Stacy's Mom

Stacy's Mom has got it goin' on... Posted by Hello

This is Rachel Hunter. She was the "mom" featured for the MTV of Stacy's Mom by Fountains Of Wayne. I got this pic from highfiber. Where else? A couple of weeks ago, I saw her very hot, hot, hot music video for the nth time. As usual my brain was working overtime and I wondered, "What if I named one of my daughters as 'Anastasia' and give her the nick Stacy."

:LOL: My kid's gonna hate me!

Oh my God! I'm also Stacy's mom!!

And like in the video, maybe I can also put a fireman's pole on my dining table?


gender-bent said…
I've this huge crush on Rachel Hunter, I watched the Real Gilligan's Island just to see her and hear her Brit accent... ^_^
Quentin said…
your creativity knows no bounds >:D
avid said…'s "music video" not "MTV"... MTV is the I gotta go correct people who call toothpaste "colgate"...

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