
Showing posts from September, 2003

To Kink or Not to Kink... that is the question...

To Kink or Not to Kink... that is the question... Questions have been running through my mind for quite a long time now. Should I make and design my own website or leave it to the experts? Should I write about erotic longings or just keep it to myself? Or should I just write such orgasmic burstings deep in the confinement of my ever growing notebooks safely hidden inside my storage boxes? Eversince people have been reading what I've been writing...the more uptight I've become. Everything I say or do could be used against me. I hope nobody can find me here... hmmm... here I go again with my ever precious anonymity and with my ever famous words... I hope. "I hope nobody notices me." "I hope nobody finds me." "I hope nobody's watching." "I hope nobody sees me." And other words like... " I don't want to be known." "Why choose me?!" "I just want to be like the rest." "The...